Montana MFT Programs

Students will have complete education in the MFT field by pursuing a degree that is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Marriage and Family Therapy Education (COAMFTE).

Nearly all states automatically recognize these programs for their high academic standards in coursework and clinical practicum hours, satisfying the criteria they have set.

The accreditation showcases the experience in faculty that work within the program, best preparing eventual graduates to get into the field. In the state of Montana, there are no graduate programs available that are accredited by the COAMFTE.

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MA in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine

Marriage and Family Therapist Degrees in Montana

Despite the limitations of accreditation in the state, there are other options to gain a prestigious education within marriage and family therapy.

While going to a neighboring state is limited with no other accredited education near Montana, there is the option of pursuing a program online. Capella University, based in Minnesota, offers an online Master's program that meets licensure requirements in the state of Montana.

Those looking at online programs should consider the needs they have for technical requirements, such as a computer with a Windows or Mac-based operating system and high-speed internet access in order to utilize all of the school's learning management system software.

Consider a Featured Online MFT Program

LMFT Licensure in Montana

Marriage and family therapy licensure in the state of Montana requires a Master's degree education or higher that includes at least 48 credit hours of coursework.

For those that do not have a degree that is accredited by the COAMFTE, this curriculum must show completion in course topics like human development, family development, ethics, and research within MFT.

MFT Licensure Requirements

At least 500 direct contact hours are needed in practicum sessions or an internship. At least 3,000 hours of supervised experience is needed – a third of that being direct client contact. 500 of those hours must be meeting couples and/or multiple family members. Post-graduate supervision must be completed within five years. Passing the national exam is required before applying for state licensure.

Montana Board of Behavioral Health

Department of Labor and Industry
301 South Park, 4th Floor
P.O. Box 200513
Helena, MT 59620-0513
LMFT Licensure:

  • Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

LMFT Careers and Salaries in Montana

Due to limited employment information for the state of Montana, there are no official estimates for workers from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Average median salary is approximately $44,450, which is slightly lower than the national average. Family therapist opportunities have frequent employment in Missoula, Billings, and Bozeman, with popular clinic opportunities at the Billings Clinic and Bozeman Deaconess Hospital.

There are not any COAMFTE accredited MFT programs in Montana. Consider reviewing the online COAMFTE accredited MFT counseling program guide here, or view all counseling degrees in Montana. Available online programs currently accepting applicants are also available below.

Popular Online MFT Programs

Liberty University 🗹 Online

Grand Canyon University 🗹 Online

University of Wisconsin – Superior 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

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