List of Master’s in Counseling Colorado Degrees

Looking for a bachelor’s or a master’s in counseling in Colorado? Counseling Degrees Online has compiled the counseling programs in Colorado, including numerous online options, especially at the master’s level. Many of these programs are accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), the counseling profession’s most prestigious accrediting body.

Consider an online counseling program: Earn a CACREP-accredited master’s in counseling online top-10 ranked Northwestern University in as few as 18 months. GRE not required. Bachelor's required. Learn more.
Online Counseling Programs At Walden

As a resident of Colorado, you may have access to some of the most popular universities for prospective counseling professionals. If you currently live in cities such as Greeley or Fort Collins, you may already be close to some of the most preferred universities for counseling programs. Colorado State University and the University of Northern Colorado are excellent choices for students interested in making a positive difference in the lives of those around them through a career in counseling. Also, note the convenience of distance learning; anyone can pursue an online counseling graduate degree in Colorado.

Here are a few schools in Colorado with CACREP-accredited counseling programs:
  • Adams State University: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A. in School Counseling Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Colorado State University: M.A. in Career Counseling M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M.A. in School Counseling M.Ed. in Student Affairs and College Counseling
  • Denver Seminary: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • Regis University: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Click to jump to the full list of Colorado counseling programs, or consider learning more about one of the below online counseling program currently accepting applicants.

Consider a Featured Online Counseling Program

Snapshot: Online CACREP-Accredited Counseling Programs in Colorado

Graduating with a master’s in counseling from a CACREP-accredited program is an impressive first step to becoming a licensed counselor. Students who are interested in pursuing a should seek out programs that are accredited and meet LPC requirements in Colorado.

Students interested in an online counseling program in Colorado should identify what type of specialization they would like to pursue. There are many universities in Colorado that offer counseling specializations to create a unique career experience.

CACREP-Accredited Specializations in Colorado

Here are a few schools with CACREP-accredited Colorado counseling programs:
Adams State University: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.A. in School Counseling, Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Colorado Christian University: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Colorado State University: M.A. in Career Counseling, M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.A. in School Counseling
Denver Seminary: M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, M.A. in School Counseling

Snapshot: Online CACREP Accredited Programs

☰ For detailed degree information, view the guides to:
Online CACREP Accredited programs | Online MPCAC Accredited programs

Education Paths for Counselors in Colorado

Many choose to take on a master’s in counseling in Colorado, but there are also degree programs at associate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Each of these levels of education has financial and personal benefits for graduates and offers plenty of employment opportunities.

Several different specializations are also available, including marriage and family counseling, and clinical mental health counseling. Below outlines one of the prominent specializations — school counseling:

School Counseling Programs in Colorado

Below are some school counseling programs in Colorado:

  • Adams State University: M.A. in School Counseling
  • Colorado State University: M.A. in School Counseling
  • Denver Seminary: M.A. in School Counseling
  • University of Colorado, Colorado Springs: M.A. in School Counseling
  • University of North Colorado: M.A. in School Counseling

There are also degree programs at associate, master’s, and doctoral levels. Each of these levels of education has financial and personal benefits for graduates and offers plenty of employment opportunities.

LPC Requirements in Colorado

After completing a master’s in counseling in Colorado and fulfilling the requirements, you should be able to apply for licensure. However, LPC requirements in Colorado may differ from other state requirements, so you should review what you need in your state before applying. The Colorado State Board of Licensed Professional Counselor Examiners is the agency responsible for reviewing and testing upcoming licensees and may be a helpful resource for prospective counselors.

Counselor Salary in Colorado

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), substance abuse, behavioral disorder, and mental health counselors earned a median annual salary of $47,660 as of 2020. The annual counselor salary in Colorado was $53,760, according to the BLS.

The field of counseling is projected to grow by 23% between 2020 and 2030, meaning there may be many more job opportunities for prospective candidates and students. School and career counselors make an average of $58,120 per year, and their job outlook is projected to grow by 11% between 2020 and 2030, according to the BLS. Other counseling specialties are also quickly growing, creating many new opportunities for students looking to pursue these career options.

With many different forms of counseling available, the field offers fulfilling, varied career choices. From marriage counseling to career counseling, graduates can choose from many different specialties. They may work in outpatient mental health services, schools, hospitals, private practice, or other government facilities.

Explore Counseling Programs in Colorado

Students in Colorado have many counseling degree programs to explore. Whether in person or online, there should be options to fit your schedule and professional needs. You should review the available resources to choose the right counseling program in Colorado for a fulfilling and rewarding professional career.

If you are interested in dedicating your career to helping people in their health or personal and professional lives, counseling may be the right career choice for you. Colorado has many programs to develop your career.

Adams State University, Counselor Education
Colorado Christian University, Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Colorado Department of Education
Colorado Department of Education, Licensing Office
Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, Professional Counselor
Colorado State University, Counseling and Career Development (M.A.)
Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, Counseling Specialties
Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs, Find a Program
Denver Seminary, Counseling (CACREP Accredited)
University of Colorado Colorado Springs, MA Counseling: School Counseling
University of North Colorado, School Counseling
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, School and Career Counselors and Advisors
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Substance Abuse, Behavioral Disorder, and Mental Health Counselors


Popular Online Counseling Programs

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Pepperdine University 🗹 Online

Mid-America Christian University (MACU) 🗹 Online

Master of Science (MS) in Counseling
Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Accredited

The Chicago School 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters 🗗 Bachelors

Schools With Campus-Based CACREP Accredited Colorado Counseling Degrees

CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs) is the top accrediting board for counseling programs. Below, you will find a list of all of the CACREP accredited counseling programs in Colorado. Keep scrolling or jump to all programs for all programs or view online CACREP accredited counseling programs.

Adams State University

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/15/2009 to 3/31/2021
M.A. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 4/1/1994 to 3/31/2021
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/13/2016 to 3/31/2021

Colorado State University

Ft. Collins
M.A. in Career Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 10/1/1995 to 3/31/2028
M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/18/2018 to 3/31/2028
M.A. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 10/1/1995 to 3/31/2028
M.Ed. in Student Affairs and College Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/4/2011 to 3/31/2020

Denver Seminary

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year (Re-Accreditation In-Process)
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/15/2011 to 10/31/2020

Regis University

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/9/2014 to 3/31/2023

University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Colorado Springs
M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/9/2013 to 10/31/2020
M.A. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 2 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 9/1/1999 to 10/31/2020

University of Colorado at Denver

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/10/2013 to 10/31/2021
M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 10/1/1989 to 10/31/2021
M.A. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 10/1/1989 to 10/31/2021

University of Northern Colorado

M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/14/2011 to 10/31/2019
M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 9/1/1992 to 10/31/2019
M.A. in Rehabilitation Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year (Re-Accreditation In-Process)
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/1/2017 to 2/26/2021
M.A. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 3/1/1982 to 10/31/2019

All Accredited Schools with Counseling Degrees in Colorado

View all programs in Colorado below, or jump to all Colorado CACREP accredited counseling programs.
Adams State University Alamosa
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
  • Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Colorado State University Ft. Collins
  • M.A. in Career Counseling
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
  • M.Ed. in Student Affairs and College Counseling
Community College of Denver Denver
  • Associates - Mental Health Counseling
Denver Seminary Littleton
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Regis University Thornton
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Trinidad State Junior College Trinidad
  • Associates - Counseling Psychology
University of Colorado at Colorado Springs Colorado Springs
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
University of Colorado at Denver Denver
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
University of Northern Colorado Greeley
  • Doctorate - Counseling Psychology
  • Doctorate - School Counseling
  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.A. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
  • M.A. in Rehabilitation Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
Counseling Career Guide

Still Looking for a Counseling Degree?

Here are some of the most popular online counseling programs. On each page you will find a detailed write-up of the program, specific courses, and schools that offer that program that are currently accepting applicants.

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