Online Masters in Counseling

Overall, there are 68 different schools with CACREP accredited Online Master of Counseling degrees. View all online CACREP accredited programs here, where you will also find what makes a program CACREP accredited, as well as different courses and admissions standards you can expect.

When considering an Online Master's in Counseling, you need to consider, at a minimum: the amount of time you will be able to commit, whether or not you have counseling work experience, your undergraduate degree, if you are going to consider a program specialization, and the length of time you are hoping to graduate.

Every program is different - we highly recommend speaking with multiple universities to help you gather all of the information you need to make a good decision.

Consider an online counseling program: School counselors help students overcome obstacles and shape successful futures. Walden’s online MS in School Counseling program will give you a solid foundation in school counseling theories, approaches, and best practices while enabling you to gain hands-on experience. Learn more.
Online Counseling Programs At Walden
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The Online Master of Counseling degree is a growing degree that is moving to a 100% online counseling program. Every year, there are a number of different universities that are adding an online Master of Counseling into their distance education repertoire.

Consider the following specializations for your online Masters in Counseling:

Consider a Featured Online Counseling Program

☰ For detailed degree information, view the guides to:
Online CACREP Accredited programs | Online MPCAC Accredited programs

List of Programs

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

Capella University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters 🗗 Doctorate

Grand Canyon University 🗹 Online

Liberty University 🗹 Online

Northwestern University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Pepperdine University 🗹 Online

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters 🗗 Bachelors

NYU Steinhardt 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

The Chicago School 🗹 Online

University of Wisconsin – Superior 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

University of Wisconsin – Superior 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Colorado Christian University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Colorado Christian University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Our Lady of the Lake University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

University of New Haven 🗹 Online

University of West Alabama 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

University of West Alabama 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Rivier University 🗹 Online

University of West Alabama 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Counseling Career Guide

Still Looking for a Counseling Degree?

Here are some of the most popular online counseling programs. On each page you will find a detailed write-up of the program, specific courses, and schools that offer that program that are currently accepting applicants.

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