List of Counseling Degrees in Idaho

The state of Idaho offers 10 different degree programs for individuals interested in counseling. All of these programs are at the master's level, which is the preferred level for counseling graduates. There are also 10 different CACREP accredited counseling programs with on-campus programs available in Idaho.

A graduate degree in counseling provides a graduate with specialized opportunities in school counseling, mental health counseling, and marriage and family counseling, among other different program areas. A Master of Counseling degree is highly recommended and sometimes required to obtain Counseling Licensure.

Consider an online counseling program: School counselors help students overcome obstacles and shape successful futures. Walden’s online MS in School Counseling program will give you a solid foundation in school counseling theories, approaches, and best practices while enabling you to gain hands-on experience. Learn more.
Online Counseling Programs At Walden

Idaho offers several accredited universities across the state where students can earn a Master's degree in Counseling. If students are looking to further their education and advance their careers, Idaho is a great state to enroll in a Master's level program.

It is wise to choose an accredited program when pursuing a degree in counseling to ensure you are eligible for licensure once completed. Degrees are available at four accredited universities including Boise State University, Idaho State University, Northwest Nazarene University and the University of Idaho. All four universities are accepting applications into the program for residents of Idaho and any out of state students interested in transferring. Flexible schedules offer day and night classes for working adults and parents.

Here are a few schools in Idaho with CACREP-accredited counseling programs:
  • Boise State University: M.A. in Addiction Counseling M.A. in School Counseling Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Idaho State University: M. Coun. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling M. Coun. in College Counseling and Student Affairs M. Coun. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling M. Coun. in School Counseling Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
  • Northwest Nazarene University: M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Click to jump to the full list of Idaho counseling programs, or consider learning more about one of the below online counseling program currently accepting applicants.

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Snapshot: Online CACREP Accredited Programs

☰ For detailed degree information, view the guides to:
Online CACREP Accredited programs | Online MPCAC Accredited programs

Overview of Master of Counseling Degrees in Idaho

Although Idaho does not offer any accredited online programs in counseling, students have the option to attend four different universities across the state. Located in the state's capitol, Boise, Idaho, is home to two different accredited universities which are Boise State University and the University of Idaho.

Boise State University offers an MA in Counseling with concentrations in School Counseling and Addiction Counseling. Both specialties provide numerous career options in the field of counseling. The University of Idaho is located in Boise and there is a campus in Coeur d'Alene so students have an option on which campus is more convenient. The University of Idaho offers the only accredited program that specializes in Rehabilitation Counseling which educates and trains students to focus their career on clients with disabilities.

Idaho State University: Multiple Counseling Degrees

Idaho State University is located in three towns for a variety of options for students across Idaho. Students have the choice between attending in Meridian, Idaho Falls, and Twin Falls. Idaho State University offers a Master's in Counseling with concentrations in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, and Marriage and Family Counseling. With the three locations and three different concentrations, students have a lot of choices at Idaho State University.

The university also offers flexible daytime and evening classes for working adults. Another accredited university option for students wishing to pursue a career in counseling is Northwest Nazarene University located in Nampa, Idaho. This college offers an MS in Counseling with concentrations in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling, and Marriage and Family Counseling.

We have 7 counseling degrees in Idaho in our directory.

Famously known as the “Spud State”, Idaho placed itself on the map with great distinction. Its remarkably diverse atmosphere and classical landscape draw in residents in record numbers each year.

Idaho’s population rounds out at around 1.5 million and growing. With a population that is on the increase, the need for professionals will grow with it.

Idaho Counseling Degrees

  • 7 different counseling degrees in Idaho (all Master’s in Counseling programs)
  • Most popular city for counseling is Pocatello
  • According to the BLS, median income for marriage and family counselors in Idaho is $51,730 per year

Popular Online Counseling Programs

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

Walden University 🗹 Online Masters

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Grand Canyon University 🗹 Online

Liberty University 🗹 Online

MED: School Counseling
CACREP and NCATE through CAEP Accredited

Liberty University 🗹 Online

Northwestern University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Capella University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters 🗗 Doctorate

Northwestern University 🗹 Online 🗗 Masters

Schools With Campus-Based CACREP Accredited Idaho Counseling Degrees

CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling & Related Educational Programs) is the top accrediting board for counseling programs. Below, you will find a list of all of the CACREP accredited counseling programs in Idaho. Keep scrolling or jump to all programs for all programs or view online CACREP accredited counseling programs.

Boise State University

M.A. in Addiction Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/9/2014 to 10/31/2023
M.A. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 9/1/1998 to 10/31/2023
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/9/2014 to 10/31/2023

Idaho State University

M. Coun. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 5/1/1993 to 10/31/2025
M. Coun. in College Counseling and Student Affairs
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 8/1/1978 to 10/31/2025
M. Coun. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 9/1/2000 to 10/31/2025
M. Coun. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 8/1/1978 to 10/31/2025
Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 8/1/1978 to 10/31/2025

Northwest Nazarene University

M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/14/2014 to 3/31/2025
M.S. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 1/1/2004 to 3/31/2025
M.S. in School Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 4/1/2000 to 3/31/2025

University of Idaho

M.Ed./M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling
CACREP Accredited
  • CACREP Status: Accredited, 8 Year
  • CACREP Accreditation Runs: 7/1/2017 to 10/31/2024

All Accredited Schools with Counseling Degrees in Idaho

View all programs in Idaho below, or jump to all Idaho CACREP accredited counseling programs.
Boise State University Boise
  • M.A. in Addiction Counseling
  • M.A. in School Counseling
  • Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
College of Southern Idaho Twin Falls
  • Associates - Substance Abuse and Addiction Counseling
Idaho State University Pocatello
  • M. Coun. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M. Coun. in College Counseling and Student Affairs
  • M. Coun. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
  • M. Coun. in School Counseling
  • Ph.D. in Counselor Education and Supervision
Northwest Nazarene University Nampa
  • M.S. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
  • M.S. in Marriage, Couple and Family Counseling
  • M.S. in School Counseling
University of Idaho Boise
  • M.Ed./M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling
Counseling Career Guide

Still Looking for a Counseling Degree?

Here are some of the most popular online counseling programs. On each page you will find a detailed write-up of the program, specific courses, and schools that offer that program that are currently accepting applicants.

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